Positioning in the market place allows you to have the opportunity to define your standards of quality and showcase them into the market, justifying the charge you apply for the services that your hotel provides.
There are a multitude of questions than an owner needs to ask when launching or even renovating a hospitality product – what is really your hotel? Are you known in the market? How are you different or how can you be different from your competitors?
Alorie Hospitality works closely with our owners by understanding your vision and matching it with a brand product to create a synergy that showcases both the developer’s vision and the product prospective. We help owners define and create a vision and mission – defining their brand DNA or researching deeper into the brand values and building personalized brand motors.
All those tools once set, act as the sources for a complete hotel strategy, including the soft part of human capital where the hotel will establish standards and yardsticks for how they will be seen by guests, employees, and the marketplace in general.